Fast Track & Benchmark

Principal Investigator (PI)

Assistant Professor position is required to access Discoverer resources.
Example: – Sofia University
Example: – Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Example: – Department of Physical Chemistry
All of the sections and subsections below MUST BE COMPLETED (unless stated otherwise). In case you wish to leave a section empty, please provide a reason.
Provide a short (max 200 words) description of the scientific/societal/technological importance of your project including how Discoverer resources will help you achieve your goals and what the major expected outcomes are. Please include also a paragraph (max 200 words) on the progress with respect to state of the art and scientific impact of the project.
List here the Discoverer resources you are requesting to perform your project. Please refer to the call text for a description of the available services and resources and the associated limits to detail your request of the different types of scalable computing resources (nodes hours/core hours), storage capacity and download/upload bandwidth etc.. For the recurring applications its mandatory for the applicant to provide benchmarks/scalability information of the code specific for the Discoverer architecture and network topology. In case you would like to request a combination of resources in a specific configuration you can contact to verify the technical feasibility before submission.
Please describe the complete set of software packages (incl. version numbers and your licences to use them), and any additional services needed to complete your project successfully. Please specify if you need support to port specifically your programming code and external libraries to the Discoverer AMD Zen CPU architecture, or if it has been done already please provide any available references, links or communication with the Discoverer team.
Describe the research methods (including a project workplan with a timeline), algorithms, and code parallelization approach (including memory requirements) you apply for your project.
Please try to address with very short answers the following questions:
– What is the purpose of the data collection/generation and its relation to the objectives of the project?
– What types and formats of data will the project generate/collect?
– How do you plan to address the FAIR data management principles such that the data produced in this project will become findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable.
Describe any special requirements you may have, e.g. in terms of installing and managing third-party software, special type of storage, extended level of support.

7. Other

Where did you find out about the call? Please select as appropriate: