PetaScale Consortium
PetaSC Bulgaria is a legal consortium combining the knowledge and 15 years of expertise of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Strategic Center for Artificial Intelligence, IICT-BAS and Sofia Tech Park (where DISCOVERER is hosted).
Our experience includes the operations of 2 supercomputers (IBM Blue Gene/P and HP HPC cluster). We also have been participating in 6 PRACE programs by delivering more than 13 projects in cooperation with our partners from PRACE.
PetaSC’s resource share is 65% and it will be allocated using similar methods to the EuroHPC access policy. PetaSC calls will be organised by PetaSC’s Scientific & Applicant Board and the applications will be assessed by national & international scientific panel.
For both EuroHPC (35%) and PetaSC (65%) share, there is an additional (min) 80 : (max) 20 split between free access for purely scientific/non-profit and paid access for industrial/for-profit applications.
The distinction between free & paid access will be made on the base of results dissemination, where free access projects have an obligation to openly share the all results from the project, while paid access calls can retain (part of) their results and use them for-profit /business proposes.
i.e. consortium from academic & industrial partners can qualify for free access to DISCOVERER, provided they prepare suitable project proposals, apply for a call and get selected by the panel and after the project ends to openly share all the data and results from the project.